• Photography

Category: Photos

The Keeper or The Omen....

Today I brought home my new baby. She’s a 7 week old Rottweiler puppy, pure German Blood line, DNA registered with the AKC. She is beautiful, She is also the demon spawn of Satan himself. Never before have a had a dog that can get into so much trouble so quickly. Turn your eye for even one second and she has destroyed something. Don’t let that cute face fool you, she’s a Monster, A MONSTER I tell you!

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Today my heart is broken....

Last night I had to put Kobe the wonder dog to sleep. She had contracted cancer and I thought she was doing well. It seems in one day she took a turn for the worse. I held her in my arms as she took her last breath. I had forgotten how painful this was. The next day I learned that it could be even more painful. It seems that at the SAME time I was at the Vet’s putting Kobe to sleep my dear friend Ernest Olds was taking his last breath. Ernest passed away from heart failure, I will miss them both more than I can say….

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Arrr there be Pirates here Matey....

OK there are days at work and then there are days at work…. Today I was taken captive and forced by a client to spend the day at sea on a 2.5 million dollar, 65′ Marquis Yacht. This boat was sick, you could eat off the floor of the engine room. It was another shoot for Flair Magazine. The model was Orsolya and Kim Ulmer did makeup for me. Kim’s husband is my dive buddy Tony, all I could think about was if we hijack the boat we could be in Key West by sunrise!

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I'll take the Lobster Roll....

Today I did another shoot for the duPont Registry with Vinny Lecavlier. This issue of the Tampa Bay Magazine was all about Tampa celebrities top 10 picks. We met up at Vinny’s favorite restaurant Roy’s. Vinny and I have a little private joke among ourselves. Seems there was this 360 Ferrari spider and a Dinan BMW M3 on the expressway one night. Guess who took their foot out of it first?

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Barak Obama for America Rally....

I can’t tell you how proud I was to be able to photograph Barack Obama on one of his campaign stops in Florida. OK the Secret Service guys were a little bit scary but it was well worth the time…..

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Seether & Ddrums....

Today’s assignment was to run over to the House of Blues in Orlando and photograph John Humphrey, drummer for the band Seether. John turned out to be a very nice guy.

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