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Category: Photos

There's no place like home....

It’s our last day in Kenya, we check out of the hotel and head for the airport. Only to find out that once again British Airways has cancelled our flight. Now the problem is there is no hotel to check back into. So the only thing to do is sleep on the floor of the Nairobi airport. The next flight out of the country tomorrow afternoon. We make it to London only to run into the same problem with cancelled flights. So it’s a 4 hour layover in London. Eleven hours later we reach the US and land in Philly, only to find out that we missed the last flight from Philadelphia to Tampa. The next flight, tomorrow morning. Total travel time back from Africa 2 1/2 days. Thank God I’m back in the Land of cold milk, the 24 hour a day 7-11 and MY BED!

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Motel Hell....

Does everyone remember the movie “Motel Hell”. The story is that of a farmer who runs a hotel where a lot of tourist would mysteriously disappear. The farmer also made prize winning sausage with a special “secret” ingredient inside. Out in the bush you would find these outpost every once in a while. There would not be another building or village for miles. So does anyone find this photo a bit disturbing? A Medical Center, A Hotel and a Butcher Shop…. I’m just saying…

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African Safari - The People....

The people that we met on this trip was a very large part of our journey. I was amazed by some of the things I learned about other cultures. One man we met at the Samburu tribe, no one knew how old he was. The interesting part of the story was that the farthest he had ever journeyed in his whole life was to Nairobi, 45 miles away. Here I had traveled 8,715+ miles and this man his whole life had never been more than 50 miles from where he had been born. It’s a different way of life here.

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African Safari - The Animals....

The Big 5… as it’s known, is the goal of all photographers on photo safari. The most sought after animals include Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Buffalo & Rhinos. We were able to capture each and everyone. Thanks to our guide Alfred we even photographed some very rare animals and moments. I photographed a Leopard’s kill of a Dikdik, photographs of a very rare cat called a Serval Cat and even a Lion mating. Actually the only animal that we did not find was a cheetah but sorry to say they are getting more and more rare.

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The Kilimani Children Orphanage....

This was a day that I hope will change my life forever. Today we visited the Kilimani Children Orphanage. Every child here lost both of their parents to either the aids epidemic or to civil unrest. I expected the Aids and HIV deaths but what an eye opener the stories of the political rebellions. Now I know it was only a drop in the bucket but I had brought some Tampa Bay Lightning jackets that were going to be thrown away. So there were now 50 kids with new clothes. If nothing else we made them smile for just one day out of their lives. I even brought the Headmaster a team jersey. The hard truth is some of these kids would be dead within months themselves. Most were HIV positive. Makes you stop and think doesn’t it?

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I'll have the Ostrich with the cranberry sauce....

In what has to be one of the most surreal moments of my life, I’m celebrating Thanksgiving in the Masai Mara of Kenya Africa. We are at the Lake Nakuru Lodge and they have laid out a big feast for us. But here is the weird part, the gentleman at the table next to me is the spitting image of Salvador Dalí, right down to the waxed mustache. There is a strolling musician playing guitar and singing “Welcome to the Hotel California” with a very, very thick Swahili accent. Tony has, how do I say this, had a large number of “Tuskers” the local beer and is singing right along with the guitar player. And the cherry on top of this acid flash back is the fact that right outside the lodge is a 500 pound male lion that is having sex. So every 10 minutes you hear the lion roar so loud that it rattled the windows. Turns out that lions have sex every 10 minutes for a couple of days. Happy Thanksgiving, Pass the gravy please….

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Journey to the center of the earth....

Today we crossed the equator, latitude 0, the center of the planet, and of course there is a tourist trap there waiting for you. I was shocked, here we are in the middle of no where and there is a gift shop. Now the funny part is the natives will prove to you that you are standing exactly at the equator for the price of $1.00 US. This I had to see, so they walk you over to this sign that is the “exact” point of the equator. Then they will pour water on a rock and the water will run off to the left, next they pour the water again and it runs off to the right. “You see the exact center of the earth!” OK, P. T. Barnum was right there is a sucker born every minute. Then Frank whips out his GPS unit only to find that in fact we are still 15 miles away from Latitude 0! I was wondering where the dotted line was.

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Oh My God, clean clothes.....

Believe it or not British Airways meets us out in the bush and hand me my suitcase…. clean clothes at last. I’ve been in the same clothes for almost 4 days now. I can’t understand why everyone makes me sit in the back of the van.

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For God sakes Frank give the monkey what he wants...

The safari lodge is nice enough that they serve us coffee and bagels each morning. It’s a very peaceful scene, sitting next to a river at sunrise until you realize that the river is full of crocodiles and there are lions on the other side of the river watching you. As the sun comes up you hear the sounds of nature, birds chirping, monkeys hooting and screeching. Here comes Frank for his morning coffee, there is a monkey sitting at his table. Of course Frank thinks the best thing to do is run towards the monkey to scare it off. Frank charges the monkey and it doesn’t move, it does not even blink, then Frank stops only to have the monkey charge him. I was laughing so hard as my buddy now runs like a little girl with the monkey hot on his tail. Seems the monkeys will attack the guest in order to steal the sugar bowl. Thank God we all got those Tetanus shots.

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Out into the Bush....

Today we start our journey into the jungle. Our first stop will be the Samburu Game reserve. First things first we meet our guide for the tip Alfred. Right off the bat we realize that this is going to be a great trip. Alfred is funny and very outgoing. So we pile into the safari van and off we go. Now one thing I did not take into consideration was the condition of the roads in Kenya. We travel down a dirt road full of potholes for 5 hours. Alfred is a great driver we should sign him up for the Baja 1000. 50-60 mph down dirt roads will wear you out. But we safely make it to our first lodge. It’s starting to sink in that we are in Africa, as we pull into the lodge we have to wait while elephants move away from the gate. Tony… I don’t think we’re in Kanas anymore!

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